The Ideal Diet for Seniors

The Ideal Diet for Seniors

What we put into our bodies is just as important as moving our bodies! Today we’ll be discussing the ideal diet for Seniors.

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  1. Eating healthy and nutritious food is important especially for people our age as we’re prone to more serious medical conditions, and this affects how we are on a day to day basis. We really appreciate this tips as it is really necessary to consult your healthcare provider when you are experiencing serious medical conditions and since there really isn’t any concrete formula for a diet for everyone but being knowledgable about the kinds of food that are great for your body is critical as well in figuring out which healthy diet is best for you. We’d like to thank Reviving Mind’s Health and Wellness coaches for helping us out with staying healthy and helping us live life better.

  2. Might I add that growing a few of these vegetables in as a potted plant helps sway the cost. I use mostly frozen vegetables as they don’t have the additives as canned vegetables have. White rice and pinto beans made at home. If canning 1/2 cup dry beans to a pint jar and fill the rest with water. Good luck friends. We aren’t as stupid as our kids think we are. 😂

  3. No pork, beef or lamb. Get all my protein from plant based foods. Have celiac disease so HAVE to be on gluten free diet.

  4. Is there something else besides black pepper that can help my body absorb nutrients better! I have lichen Plantus and can’t tolerate that and hot spices or foods.

  5. Just STOP with pushing plants and fruit. That woe the last 10 yrs nearly killed me. It wasn’t until I went mostly red meat fish , butter that I reversed my T2D. Plants in many can cause inflammation…Once I stopped ALL my pain went away. Now age 64 and all myabs are excellent. Off ALL meds.

  6. Plant based nonsense will do nothing other than continuing the increase of insulin resistance that 70-80% of the population is suffering from. Two servings per day of fatty 8-12 ounce portions of meat gives total control of blood glucose meaning that inflammatory insulin production is kept at a minimum. Beef, bacon, butter, eggs and salt will cure most metabolic problems.

  7. Nobody talks about how expensive it is to eat healthy if you notice all the junk food and the foods we shouldn’t be eating are so much less expensive than the healthy things. And another thing with fruit and vegetables how do you keep them long enough that they don’t go bad before a person can eat them

  8. Me personally, I started losing the most weight after reading the book Woman’s weight loss secrets: the unspoken truth, a few things you are mentioning in this video are also in the book

  9. Roll up a few leaves of kale at a time, slice it thinly. Then massage. Really takes the toughness out of it.

  10. We need 120 grams of protein each day; like she said, it’s the main important ingredient in our diets! Plants don’t give the BCAA branch change n amino acids our bodies need.

  11. I have eaten natural UNPROCESSED foods all my life. That’s probably why, at the age of 74, I have no health issues at all. I have no health insurance and don’t give a flip about that. In the summertime I turn several cartwheels with my grandchildren on the back lawn and then jump into the pool and race them to the other end of it. I always win, but they tell me this summer they are going to beat me… we’ll see. Live is a joy when you take care of yourself and eat right. With no health issues, it’s a much better life.

  12. Good oils are avocado oil, olive oil and coconut oil. All of the vegetable oils are toxic to the body. Make sure you’re purchasing organic, cold-pressed oils and you are sure that there are no toxic added oils. Also, your body needs salt. A good electrolyte mix is essential to maintain that balance. Plus it’s essential to read the labels on EVERYTHING! Watch out for those toxic oils IN products, bio-engineered ingredients (like in Hellman’s mayo), whole grains are still over processed and it’s best to purchase ‘ancient grains’ that are REAL food. We must be more diligent about truly seeing what’s in our foods.

  13. I have to laugh when you suggest talking to your healthcare provider! They get ONE whole course on nutrition in Med school. I highly recommend searching out someone trained in Functional Medicine who totally innerstands about how the body functions and how to feed it. Doctors know squat unless they have functional medicine training. The medical system and Big Pharma are the reason so many folks have so many illnesses. It’s BIG business for them. They aren’t in the health care business, they are in the ‘keep you in meds’ business. SMH

  14. Andi do you donate to your local food banks so the seniors citizens on tight budget such as of food stamps ,
    can afford to buy these so called healthy food options you recommended?
    You do know seniors are on fixed low SSI / retirement incomes right?

  15. Ideal diet for seniors really I eat when I want to eat I don’t need to be on a diet I’m 60 something and weigh 130 lb

  16. Salt? Should we limit salt, really? I am eating more slt these days, but EVERYTHING else you suggest is exactly what I eat.

  17. While ythe info is fabulous and the humor😅 NOTE in canada the idea of " Talking to our health care practioner is a JOKE,, our HC System is BROKEN !!!

  18. False information regarding whole grains. Oatmeal is the worst culprit. Must be steel cut and glyphosate free. Nuts make joints ache in the elderly. Potatoes are way too high on the glycemic index if a senior has T2D. Get rid of sugar and seed oils they are inflamatory. Cook with single sourced oils. Keto will cure you of T2D. Meditteranean with help you stay healthy after Keto.

  19. Andi do you donate to your local food banks so the seniors citizens on tight budget such as of food stamps ,
    can afford to buy these so called healthy food options you recommended?
    You do know seniors are on fixed low SSI / retirement incomes right?

  20. What if your eating habits improved but something ion your body is thwarting all the effort? Your hormones. Leaky gut. Insulin resistance. And eating meat isn’t bad as long as the quality is good. And eating greens every day may not be good if you are taking blood thinners.

  21. Get rid of processed junk food. Anything beyond that is personal based on what works for your individual body. The one and only thing ALL doctors agree on is to eliminate factory foods. Just doing that will add years and vitality to your life.

  22. I was on a kick to lose weight was I did many great changes, but raw vegetables were giving me extreme abdominal pain, difficulty digesting and severe diarrhea. I need to cook my vegetables. I suspect I have irritable bowel syndrome. Too bad for me.

  23. I’ve been on the carnivore diet for six weeks now. All of my painter gone away.. I will have my blood checked next week to see if everything looks good.

  24. No one mentions the cost of fresh vegetables and fruit when most seniors are on a very tight budget. It makes me angry when people act as if people have a variety of healthy options to purchase, prepare, and eat. They DO have options; however, they cannot afford them.😥

  25. Great ideas! I love kale and have it streamed and we take a handful cold of it and put in oatmeal for breakfast and right on our plates for other meals. We love fresh salads made of spinach, red lettuce and red and orange and yellow peppers. Carrots, radishes and onions. We switch it up by changing the greens for next salad. Thanks

    BEEF, BACON (no sugar added), BUTTER (lard, ghee, tallow, bacon grease) and EGGS💪🏼

    Sure, If you want inflammation, diabetes, cancer, dementia, alzheimerd!

    Follow this advice?? 🙄

  27. No matter how much liquids you consume if you are a wheelchair bound senior citizen whom can not physically work out,
    And you have later stages of degenerative disease none of your suggestions will work to reduce joint pain without a regimen of prescribed pain medication

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