Medicare Part A B C D Explained (and made simple!)

Medicare Part A B C D Explained (and made simple!) | (888) 465-9728 Medicare Explains – Parts A B C and D, also Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage Plans. This video explains the 4 main parts of Medicare and review what you need to know if you are getting onto Medicare for the first time.

Free Medicare Quotes and Plan Comparison :
Finding Part D:
Best Medigap Plans:
Medicare Supplement vs Medicare Advantage:


  1. I am so glad my mom found a good healthcare agent to help her with all of this. Find a healthcare agent that offer no-cost consultations in your area to help navigate all of the plans.

  2. How do you spell medicare C O N V E L U T E D alt spelling E V I L G O V E R N M E N T. All Government employees should have the same plan all the rest of us have, ALL OF THEM, even the President.

  3. So what is the deductible/co-pay after the first 60 days? Employed but use an outside insurance. can I stay on this instead of the employer??

  4. Do the rules change with Medicare options,rules depending on what state you are from,or is it all the same?

  5. I have Medicare A and B. What do i hvae to do to continue the enrollment or it is renewed automatically?

  6. Thank you very very much! that was fantastic, I feel like I finally have a basic understanding which I have been trying to grasp and you finally succeeded. thank you!

  7. Part E, maybe: How much does their customer service suck? For example, every time I call HellCare Part D, I die a little (exponentially relative to the amount of time spent).

  8. Hmm just left me more confused with what to do, still working and paying $320 a month which includes dental and meds vs $185 a month + meds and dental probably best to keep what i have at $320.

  9. So Biden has SCREWED US for the past 4 years and now he wants to bribe us so Liberals can screw us for the next 4. NO THANKS.

  10. Was thinking about selling Medicare but this made me violently ill. How can you do this to our most vulnerable people and sleep at night?

  11. Hello, I am a federal employee and will turn 65 in Feb 2025. I currently have Blue Cross Blue Shield low option insurance, and paid around $500/month premium and paid around $50/month for a federal dental insurance plan for Wife and I, and will pay the same premiums after retirement in 2026. Should I take the Medicare free part A, and keep my current Blue Cross Blue Shield low option health insurance into retirement or drop the Blue Cross Blue Shield and buy the Medicare part B, C, D? I don’t know the cost vs benefit of both. Thanks in advance for your help and great video!

  12. The reason why Medicare is so complicated is because of the decades long Republican abusive policies of privatizing Medicare.
    Democrats have decades long worked to initiate Universal Health Care which would provide expanded care, better health
    outcomes and save the Americans taxpayers
    billions of dollars.

  13. Why are A and B separate? If A is supposed to be for medical care then all the things like doctor’s visits and testing is an INTREGAL part of that. It makes no sense to separate them or am I just not understanding her explanation. Okay, never mind. I see that its because they wanted to have it separate so they could make it an option that you HAVE to pay for.

  14. Now I know why there are so many homeless people in our country. They go broke because of Obama Care. And why would Obama even care about the REAL world? He got rich off our tax dollars while he was in office so he can pay for any medical care he & his family needs. So disgusting.

  15. You MUST sign up for a drug plan.
    If you don’t you will be penalized, forced to pay, a certain amount of money per month for Medicare, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
    And no slick lawyer is gonna get you out of this one

  16. I turn 65 this August. I work in IT my brain is super sharp I do 500 situps a day 20 minutes olyptical a day don’t drink don’t smoke and I’m still fin lost!!! So now I’m supposed to find some financial shark who just might steal me blind. And I’m one of the sharp ones! What about the poor old people that are scammed and taken advantage of every day? What has society come to? This is an outrage! I’ve watched video after video and I’m still not certain of my best path. And I’m certainly not going to pay for someone who may or may not help me.

  17. Like all things government; complicated as hell and covers little. (From the very same entity that brought us the tax code so I should not be surprised.) And like all things socialism, they force it upon you with threats of lifelong penalties and take the premiums out of your social security benefits.

  18. Stephanie, thank you for your channel and a really informative video that succinctly explained Medicare basics…which, as you know, can be very confusing. As a former FNP, with an MPH, MBA, and doctorate, even I have found all the Medicare info to be rather daunting…but then, I just diagnosed/treated and didn’t deal with the insurance. Fortunately, at least I have a good foundation on which to build this new info, and you did a great job explaining things, including several things about which I had no clue. As noted, I’ve subscribed to your channel, given a "thumbs-up", and after watching several of your other videos and reading a bit, I WILL be contacting your agency so that I can make an informed choice this month. Thanks again; all the best!

  19. My wife will turn 65 in November of this year (2024), she just recieved (today 10/10/24) the letter from Social Security tell her that she will be getting charged for Part B next month in Nov. and if she wants to appeal it she has 60 days from the date on the letter to do so. In the meantime they will be deducting approximately $174 which she will not get back after she cancells, how can they get away with that when she never consented to be covered by Part B, THIS IS SO INFURIATING. And to top it off the letter says she has to contact them by writing a letter, I can cus but I will refrain from doing so. Oh yeah, did I mention that she is on Social Security Disability, how does that work.

  20. Imagine how much could be done for Americans is we hadn’t sent $200 Billion dollars to the most corrupt govt in the world?

  21. How will recent changes to Medicare’s prescription drug coverage impact seniors’ out-of-pocket expenses?How is the current administration balancing the need for disaster relief funding with the financial sustainability of Medicare?

  22. Great info,still a little overwhelmed, but I’m still currently employed with insurance. thank you for including this information.

  23. At 3:36 im really really confused. How is that you can’t even sign up for medicare until the first day of the month that you turn 65 but at 3:36 she says you can be penalized if you don’t sign up 3 months before you turn 65. That doesn’t make sense. How can both of these statements be true? Can someone please explain why would the 3 month penalty apply before you turn 65 if you can’t even sign up until the 1st day of the month that you turn 65? I would appreciate greatly if anyone can explain this. Thx in advance.

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