How to start a licensed residential assisted living, Step by Step.
I’m Ariana Jay. I help current and aspiring providers start growing scale their licensed assisted living, group home or community hab business with or without property.
FREE MINI COURSE. link in bio
#residentialassistedliving #grouphome #homecare #asssistedliving #7figurebusinessowner
Where do we go to get the certification?
"That’s my girl", I aspire to be like you in business ❤
where do i fill out and submit the application. IS it through LARA
I have worked in the field of Home and Community Based Waivers Medicaid State and Federally Funded with some private pay in the past.
For anyone interested please consider while it can be profitable, there are other factors.
1. You will not be successful in the field if you get blinded by greed.
2. You have have have to have a heart and enjoy the work you do.
3. You have to care about the people you serve as much as your employees or contractors without both you have no business and you will sink.
4. Be patient it takes time to grow and expand your wings. The services are needed for many populations.
When expanding though do so tactfully and mindfully you absolutely need to know what you’re getting into and have the money time personnel to expand your company do not just see dollar signs and start biting off way more than you realistically can chew.
Consider who you want to support!
There’s a HIGH DEMAND for residential services for the following groups of folks such as
The Elderly, LGBTQ+ Community, those with Mental Health, Disabled Vets, Those with Substance Use/ Addiction, those with IDD (Intellectual and/ Or Developmental Disabilities) such as Down Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning or Speech Disabilities, Those whom have suffered a TBI Traumatic Brain Injury. Usually adults 18+. However there are some potential other options for Children/ Youth, but would involve alot more and likewise extensive security measures and special guidelines.
The help is very much needed.
My God.I loved your videomaim pkanning to start an Alf.Teach me
Is it profitable? Or is it something that people do for good Carma? This is a real question
How can I submit an application without a physical address of the facility?
I wish you could coach me from the beginning to the end
What about leasing a facility?
Hi, I’m interested. How can I get in touch with you
i would like to contact you for your service to start a new ALF
Hi what’s the link
Thanks for sharing the wealth!
Thank u sugar🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰