Starting an Assisted Living Home for beginners | Residential Assisted Living
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Hi i would like to know what is the requirement for a canadian citizen buying ALF in florida?
I have a property in Northern Ca that I own. I believe it is the perfect property for this business. It has 8 separate homes that I currently rent out. It’s very serine and safe and I believe could be a dream investment for the rite person with experience in this field.
What certifications do you need
Thanks this is a very helpful video. I’m a landlord for 30 years and I have a property that’s in a good neighborhood, totally remolded, four bedrooms 2.5 baths. The tenant has recently started paying the rent in pieces. I only charge $1,110 a month when I could get close to 2 k a month if not 2 k. When I told the tenant to pay the $50.00 late fee she refused. A lot of landlords change $150.00 and up. She does pay her rent and because I’m in the Midwest and Winter is on the way and good tenants don’t usually move when it’s cold I feel stuck with her. After spending a couple of sleepless night trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation opening an assisted living came to mind as the solution. I think I’ll go for it, wish me luck. BTW congrats on your success. I because a landlord at 27 and it was really funny when perspective tenants would tell me to tell my mom they wanted the apartment.🤣🤣🤣🤣
good information
You didn’t explain much sir
do you need to be in health care field to own an assisted living?
You said nothing
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the public. Well appreciated.
Is it make profit with 4beds / 2 baths in Fort Worth Texas?
This is so exciting! Thanks for helping me go forward in this in a sober matter,
Change your fire alarm battery nigga
What is dhs ? I search but not able to find
I’m wondering how do i get zoning info 🤔
How do I know that the home gonna be qualified for the ALF, I just bought a home and it’s not qualified. Please share some ideas about it
amazing, thank you.
Hi Serg ,how can I get a home for rent for room and board
Hey man, is there a way to get in touch with you? I’m currently looking at developing a duplex that is zoned commercial. By right I can build a Assisstant living home
Can I turn my house into an assisted living? Housing only 4 clients
How do I get a property cleared for a assisted living home
Shame on you ! staff are a joke no service 0 help
What degree will I need to open own nursing home?
I’m interested in starting a assisted living home, please I need help.
Thanks for the share. I’ve worked with disability group for over 10 years and now I’m thinking about moving into the idea of starting my group home. I’ve always been confident in providing quality of day-to-day living when it comes to realtor knowledge, I’m a newbie. So I’ll be taking your videos.
I am a License Practical Nurse, Looking into opening an ALF for the elderly, but unfortunately I don’t know anything about business; how can I start educating myself?
Thank you.
Any book suggestions?
Hey Serg how can I contact you, I am interested in owning a group home but need more information
Ok what if you already own a existing empty home and want to turn it into a assisted living home? Are there government grants to convert the home into one? Do you have to pay out of your own pocket to convert it? What or who to talk to in starting this? You brought out the zoning but actually what do you do when you already have a home that is empty that you own?
Great video Serg. I’m absolutely a beginner, so this was probably the first video I should have watched. I’ll probably binge watch your videos this weekend to catch up haha. Here’s a question.. Do you think this business is scalable? And do you think you’d be able to run two or three homes without actually doing the work yourself? I know payroll would be higher, but I’m sure it could be made up on volume.
Thank you for sharing I have been dreaming of this for a long time.
This is a video about acquiring property. Nothing said about how to obtain equipment, staffing, licenses etc. 🤷🏽♂️
I tried putting in my state plus dhs but a bunch of stuffs came up. could you provide the link please?
This my goal for two years out. For now I’ll slave to save for start up
So wgat if you dont have the money to buy a property can you rent to start your assistant living which way can i go if i cant buy a property yet what a step by strp to start it up
Hi! I have a question. If an an CNA or RN can I open an ALF without license?
Thank you for the video!
As far as acquiring a license from the city… are there only certain areas or zones that u can have a business like this ?
Hi S I’m in California and I was wondering how can I get a home to rent
Do I need nurse license to run an assisted living facility?
thank you
This video had no real value and everything you mentioned is what people know already.
Hey great video do you also do any consulting on assist living? If so do you have a direct contact i can reach out to you
How much capital can I start with this idea and what certificate should I have for it
What has been your experience with leasing a home what is owners position?
Dude, for the love, change the batteries in your fire alarms.
I work with special needs and I want to start a group home in Las Vegas Nv it’s my passion to care for special needs but at the same time I need a bigger house! 😩 and the way the market is at this current time, it seems impossible but I’m praying 🙏
Do i need to go to college to start a nursing home business?